Posts tagged with "2018"

When I was a little girl, most of my childhood we lived in Jersey City, New Jersey. At one point we lived across the street from a Jewish Synagogue. I was approximately there from the ages of 9-12. I can't tell you exactly when I read 'The Diary of Anne Frank', but when I did, I know I cried. Was it before or after this place, across the street? I'm not sure. Somehow though, seeing and knowing it was there, brought me comfort. In this place we lived in, which was about 100 years old, we had...

Learning to stand up for yourself is a process. Embracing that you are worth so much Love, you begin to realize that all of the Love You Give Out - is the same that you should start giving yourself. Healthy Boundaries come into play when people or situations come into your field, reflecting old patterns. Because you are now fully aware of, feel and radiate your beautiful worth, there may be times where you find yourself saying, ‘No, I don’t accept that anymore.’ May it be types of people...

I NOW Embrace My Powerful Self Honestly, I’m still learning this. I’m still working on allowing my Powerful Self to be here. Sometimes I feel scared. That I will be judged and ridiculed by others (maybe it comes from myself?) Sometimes I feel weak and worthless. Other times, and All of the times that got me started in the first place: I feel so courageous that I blaze through whatever stands before me. I feel an internal Lion Courage. The one who stands tall, with feet firmly planted below....

Beware of calling yourself an empath and feeling like you have to protect yourself from the outside world. ‘A protective Bubble now surrounds you, and everything bounces off of you.’ In my eyes, that means that our interaction with the people and energies around us is purposely being blocked - from our side. Possibly leaving us totally disconnected from the world around us. And isn’t that what we came here for? For years, the thought of a hermit in a cave, tugged at the corners of a...

I love listening to Abraham Hicks sessions, especially when someone from the ‘hot seat’ brings a question that I can relate to. Like a lot of people, I have been listening the most to topics about Love and Financial Abundance. The Law of Attraction (LOA) = the circumstances and situations that you are most often aligned and Vibing with, manifest into your field (life experience). Sometimes, if not a whole bunch of times, we stay in the vibe of what we don’t ‘want’. Focusing on the...

What are some of the positive sentences you use to cheer yourself on? To remind yourself that everything's going to be alright?

Phew, our last New Moon really laid me down flat with an unexpected dousy (is that a word?). Anyways, a situation came up that has me facing a side of myself that I thought I already processed, healed, and transformed. Then SMACK. Take THAT. You thought it used to be Intense before? Try This ONE. Holy Macaroni. I fluctuated between moments of all encompassing love, seeing the situation from a higher perspective. Even being able to laugh at the seemingly 'this can't be true' idea, because it...

Highschool Chemistry, wonderful. It was one of the few school topics I was understanding. Our teacher was a quirky woman, who was probably a shy kid growing up. She had a sense of humor that made only herself laugh. Somehow I liked her. I could see her fitting very well with our Physics teacher. They had something in common, but he was male and she was female. Anyways, one day she let us know that she didn't watch TV (television)....she was a refuser of the 'News' and its negative daily input....

Patience with and for Self - as we go through Life Cycles. Learning Phases Clearing + Transformation = Forgiving Some of us journey through these Learning Cycles faster than others. Patience with Self and the rest of our Tribe Much Love, PrisCilla

If you grew up hearing that and believing it, remember this: Those sensitivities can help us ‘relate’ to others.* Why? Because of an ability to ‘relate’ to the person before you - on an unseen level. Picking up, feeling, sensing, hearing, and ‘knowing’ through your sensitivities - can possibly offer the most helpful catalyst that someone needs. Turning this belief around and accepting our ‘sensitivities’ as strengths, can help us step into our inner power. Being ‘sensitive’...

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